Jewish Life Digital Edition September 2015 | Page 65

TEXT: COMPILED BY LIZ SAMUELS WISDOM On this day of the year (1 Elul), we begin sounding the shofar each morning, to arouse us to the forthcoming Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos. The shofar is a call to teshuva (repentance). The month of Elul is particularly propitious for renewal and rededication. We must take a moral inventory, for the days of accountability are approaching. Life is not a free-forall. There are statutes by which we must live, and the G-d of Jacob sits in judgment. Teshuva is hard work. Self-examination is not comfortable, and changing those habits which we discover to be objectionable requires persistence and diligence. “Sound the shofar… which leads to our festival.” The days of awe are followed by Sukkos, the festival of joy. All the effort expended in self-examination and in ridding ourselves of our character defects will ultimately be rewarded by the attainment of true joy. Rabbi Abraham J Twerski You know the secrets of the universe, and the hiddenmost mysteries of all the living. You probe all innermost chambers and test thoughts and emotions. Nothing is hidden from You and nothing is concealed from Your eyes. And so may it be Your will, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, that You forgive us all our errors, and you pardon us all our iniquities, and You atone for us all our wilful sins. From the Amidah – Yom Kippur What is the significance of our actions? What weight do they carry? How far-reaching are their ramifications? We tend to regard our actions as simply a matter of behaviour. And so when our actions involve cheit (sin), we think that all that is demanded of us is to rectify our bad behaviour. But in fact our actions are far more significant than this; they are our very life. Thus, sinning is profoundly dangerous to our very essence. Rabbi Reuven Leuchter It is a positive commandment of the Torah that man arouses his spirit to repent on Yom Kippur, as it says… from all your sins shall you be purified. Shaarei Teshuvah 2:14 JL