Jewish Life Digital Edition September 2015 | Page 110

SERIES PROJECT SHALOM An opportunity FOR GROWTH It’s the time of year for working hard… on ourselves THE MONTH OF ELUL THROUGH THE SEASON OF the Yomim Tovim that culminate with Simchat Torah represents a time of special opportunity to renew closeness in our spiritual, emotional and relational life. Every moment of life presents us with choices. It is the choices we make that shape our experience of life. The world we create in the process is a mirror of our accumulated choices. How we decide to direct our thoughts, feelings and actions shape both our own inner and outer worlds. People prefer to believe that our experience is “caused” by others or forces outside of our control. This belief is an obstacle to personal empowerment and to getting our lives on a healthy track. People tend to engage in children’s logic when it comes to looking at their own flaws and shortcomings. The narrative goes something like this: “The whole fight started when he hit me back.” This is like saying if you were not so flawed you would see that I am in fact perfect. This self-centred approach gets in the way of experiencing true closeness and deep authentic connection. If we wish to reclaim the connection and deepen the closeness to our own inner world, to the important others in our lives and to Hashem, we need to analyse and become mindful of the ways that we get in our own way. I invite you, through a process of self-examination, to put your relationships back on an optimal course. This process should ideally be done slowly over time. In so doing, you’ll rediscover your potential by identifying the obstacles you put in your own way, as well as the ways that you hold yourself back. You may wish 106 JEWISH LIFE ■ ISSUE 88 A GOOD RELATIONSHIP IS ONE WHERE EACH PARTY RECOGNISES AND APPRECIATES IN THE OTHER THE QUALITIES OF CHARACTER AND VALUES THAT EACH PERSON HOLDS DEAR. to spend a day or even a few days on each question. If you find yourself unable to answer any of the questions, or if you think you may be bluffing yourself then imagine someone who is in a relationship with you answering these questions on your behalf. A good relationship is one where each party recognises and appreciates in the other the qualities of character and values that each person holds dear. For this to take place, it’s important for each person’s expectations and values to be aligned with regards to his respective roles and responsibilities in the relationship. This requires mutual understanding and being in touch with and responsive to what each person needs in order to be the best person he can be in the relationship. Everyone has strongly held beliefs about himself and what he offers in rela- PHOTOGRAPH: BIGSTOCKPHOTO.COM; PORTRAIT: SUPPLIED BY LEONARD CARR