Jewish Life Digital Edition October 2015 | Page 59

chayil” (A Woman of Valour), which focuses on emphasising the beauty of wisdom, character and kind deeds, rather than merely the external, physical kind. Contrast this with the findings of a landmark YWCA study entitled: “Beauty at any cost”, which documented how women and girls, engulfed with images of idealised, airbrushed and unattainable female physical beauty, feel chronically insecure and inadequate. This has made them into cradle-to-grave consumers of beauty products and put them at risk for lifelong health problems from an early age, including chronic and unhealthy dieting, using smoking as a weight-loss aide and taking risks in cosmetic surgical procedures.2 According to a new study by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the growing popularity of ‘selfies’ is having a huge impact on the facial plastic surgery industry, as social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, etc, which are solely image-based, cause users to hold an unforgiving microscope up to their own image.3 Hirsch Lyons Primary And Nursery Schools Under the dynamic leadership of Rabbi Daryl Froom Providing: • A nurturing environment creating confidence in your children • We focus on instilling middos and derech eretz • Introducing a new special needs class for grade two in addition to the very successful grade one special needs class • This is a Torah home away from home MEET YOUR AVATAR But if you are displeased by the self you see in the mirrors, don’t fret. Now you can design a made-to-order second self online, minus the blemishes. Known as ‘avatars’, these idealised identities are icons or figures representing a particular