Jewish Life Digital Edition March 2015 | Page 55

But it’s a tough battle. It’s a war without a finale. It’s a fight for that most basic of human rights: survival. And it’s exhausting. Laborious. Wearying. Yet we continue doing it. Why? Parce que nous sommes Juifs; nous sommes Israel. Because we are Jews; we are Israel. And now Israel and the Jewish people once again stand at the crossroads of history, confronted by a nuclear Iran determined to destroy her; by an unprecedented and epidemic rise in anti-Semitism; by a hatred so deeply entrenched yet so poorly understood; and by a world that largely signifies its indifference in attitudes overt and unconcealed. Again, we will fight, we will demand recognition, we will defend the truth – and we will survive and be victorious. It is in our genes, in our DNA, in our history. We are not many more than 14 million people among more than 7 billion; our country, our spiritual home, is smaller than the Kruger National Park, smaller than the US state of New Hampshire, occupying about one-tenth of one percent of the Middle East landmass, the only Jewish nation state in the world. We will stand up in the United Nations even though that body continues to condemn Israel for the ‘crime’ of defending its citizens, while totally overlooking the most heinous offenses by other nations against millions of people. Our voices will be heard in the print media, on television, on YouTube, on Facebook, on Twitter, because the truth cannot be silenced forever. We will protest, we will march, we will defend our actions when they need to be defended, and we will not be silenced. But, we will also criticise Israel because, as a democratic country, she should and must be criticised when she oversteps the mark. And we will criticise the Jewish people because we are selfcritical, and need to learn from our mistakes. We will do it, though, with grace and caution, so the same errors are not repeated. And throughout this process, we will never forget our humanity, nor our empathy for those others in the world who “suffer the sling and arrows of outrageous fortune” – the Christians and others who have been, and are still being, tortured and beheaded in the most barbaric manner, simply because of their faith. For that is – IT’S A WAR WITHOUT A FINALE. IT’S A FIGHT FOR THAT MOST BASIC OF HUMAN RIGHTS: SURVIVAL. AND IT’S EXHAUSTING. LABORIOUS. WEARYING. that must be – the Jewish way, the way that characterises who we are and why we have been spared, despite our torturous history. Let us look again at the major threats facing Israel and the Jewish people – the most dangerous threats – as a reminder of why we should never be complacent and never think that if we ignore them, they will go away. They are ominous. They are menacing. And they are real. But we will never surrender – we will never give up – and we will survive. IRAN: Its military has developed the means to strike Israel with conventional weapons, and it is getting closer to the point where it will be able to build and arm a nuclear weapon. Its conventional military capabilities are also growing. Naval forces are adding new ships and submarines while expanding bases on the Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. It already has the largest inventory of ballistic missiles in the Middle East, and as one of the world›s principal sponsors of terrorism, it poses the danger of giving terrorists access to nuclear material. It provides weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas. Should either of these groups obtain any radioactive materials, the consequences for Israel and the world cannot be overstated. HEZBOLLAH: Based in Lebanon, Hezbollah, the militant group backed by Iran, is suspected of smuggling advanced guidedmissile systems into Lebanon from Syria, piece-by-piece, to evade a secretive Israeli air campaign designed to stop them. Iran wants to upgrade Hezbollah›s arsenal to deter future Israeli strikes. Hezbollah has an estimated 100 000 rockets – 10 times as many as were in the Hamas arsenal – and its 5 000 long-range missiles, located in Beirut and other areas deep inside Lebanon, are capable of carrying large warheads (of up to 1 ton and more), with precision guidance systems, covering all of Israel. HAMAS: Its attack tunnels remain one of the greatest threats to Israel. In addition, Hamas is continuing in its efforts to learn lessons from the war and rehabilitate its military capabilities. There are weekly reports of the organisation carrying out rocket-launching experiments from different sites in the Gaza Strip, westward into the sea. It is also trying to divert building materials and cement to the reconstruction of the tunnels. The terrorist group sees them as a strategic tool which must be updated and improved all the time. SYRIA: Because it has been defeated so many times by the IDF, Syria, still a huge threat to the safety and security of Israel, avoids direct confrontation, choosing instead to fund and arm terrorist organisations (primarily Hamas and Hezbollah) as proxies to attack Israel. Meanwhile, the Syrian regime of Bashar alAssad continues to develop ballistic missile systems and weapons of mass destruction. Should al-Assad be replaced by someone more extreme and less prepared to compromise with Israel on the Golan Heights, this would undermine any SyrianIsraeli peace moves. THE ISLAMIC STATE (IS/ISIS): ISIS and other jihadist organisations view Israel in the long term as an enemy and a key target to be eliminated. At present, such a confrontation is of low priority, but ISIS could later decide to strike at Israel directly or indirectly by means of terror efforts against Israeli targets. THE BDS STRATEGY: This is extremely dangerous as it encompasses academic, cultural and economic boycotts of Israel. It is a growing 6