Jewish Life Digital Edition June 2015 | Page 66

EDUCATION A GREAT TEACHER? Adapted excerpts from a speech by Rabbi Yissocher Frand, a Rosh Yeshiva at Baltimore’s Yeshivas Ner Israel, delivered at the 2010 Torah Umesorah Convention GO THE EXTRA MILE Based on an unusual phrasing in the Torah, our Sages explain that a teacher is like a parent. The Torah says1: “These are the descendants of Aharon and Moshe…”, but then only names the sons of Aharon. Rashi2 takes note of this peculiarity and says Aharon’s children are called the descendants of Moshe because Moshe taught them Torah, explaining that our Sages derive from this that one who teaches another’s child Torah is considered “ke’ilu yeldo” (like he gave birth to that child). Moshe taught Torah to the entire nation of Israel, yet the Torah doesn’t say anywhere that Moshe is considered the father of the entire nation. So, the famous Maharal of Prague asks what makes Moshe Rabbeinu the parent of Aharon’s children by virtue of the fact that he taught them. Moshe taught everybody! So 62 JEWISH LIFE ■ ISSUE 85 let everybody be considered Moshe’s child… The Maharal answers that, yes, Moshe taught everybody, but what he taught to Aharon’s children was special because Moshe taught them more than he had to – because he went the extra mile. The Maharal is telling us a chiddush (a novel interpretation): the mere fact that we have a student in our class does not, in and of itself, make us like a parent to that student. For that to be the case, we must go the extra mile! Because that’s what p