Jewish Life Digital Edition July 2015 | Page 27

the four brachos that express our deep gratitude (families that bentsch together…). The hands are central to all of these actions and I observe the intricate movements of fingers and thumb, the palm, the wrists and elbows, as they all co-ordinate to wash, lift, pour, cover, cut, dip, share and connect. Bless the hands that feed us. Thus, before we act, before we participate, S.T.O.P. for just a few seconds and bring your attention to your breathing and observe what is happening right now. Just watch with a mindset of curiosity, as if doing this thing for the very first time; dwell in this mind-state for a while and then proceed. Magic happens internally. The simple S.T.O.P. technique can be initiated in every moment, just as soon as we bring awareness to our taking in a breath. It can be most useful in our relationships with others and even with ourselves. People push our buttons, events push our buttons, and sometimes buttons are pushed by causes we’re not even aware of. It can be seemingly impossible to switch off these buttons, but we can surely observe their effects and try to act, channelling our reactions accordingly. Take anger, for example. The button is pushed. We feel the rage building, the arms tensing, the gut churning. Now we are at a crossroads. How do we manage the in ѕɹ