Jewish Life Digital Edition April 2015 | Page 32

WIT & WISDOM BON MOTS AND RIB TICKLERS WIT THE PHONE CALL Real Nachas The United States of America has recently elected the first Jewish president, and it’s the day of his inauguration. In the front row sits the new president’s mother, who leans over to a senator sitting next to her. “You see that man over there with his hand on the Bible?” The senator whispers back, “Yes I do.” Says the mother proudly, “His brother’s a doctor!” THE SHEILAH A yeshiva student somehow came to win two tickets to the Opera, so he went to his rabbi to ask if he would be committing a transgression by going. The rabbi thought for a bit and said: “It’s not oy’ver ‘till the fat lady sings.” THE LOGICAL THIEF Sammy stole the rabbi’s gold watch. He didn’t feel too good about it, so he decided, after a sleepless night, to go to the rabbi. “Rabbi, I stole a gold watch.” “But Sammy! That’s forbidden! You should return it immediately!” “What shall I do?” “Give it back to the owner.” “Do you want it?” “No, I said return it to its owner.” “But he doesn’t want it.” “In that case, you can keep it.” TEXT: COMPILED BY LIZ SAMUELS; PHOTOGRAPHS: BIGSTOCKPHOTO; ALL-FREE-DOWNLOAD A daughter phones her mum… Jewish mother: “Hello?” Daughter: “Hi Mummy. Can I leave the children with you tonight?” JM: “So tell me – you’re going out?” D: “I wouldn’t be asking otherwise, would I?” JM: “Then I need you to tell me who you are going out with.” D: “With a friend, Mummy, just a friend.” JM: “I’ll never understand why you left your lovely husband. Such a nice man.” D: “I didn’t leave him, mummy. He left me!” JM: “You let him leave you, more like, and now you’re going out with these anybodies and nobodies.” D: “I do not go out with just anybody. Can I bring the kids over please?” JM: “I never used to leave you to go out with anyone, unless with your father.” D: “There are lots of things that you used to do that I don’t!” JM: “What are you hinting at?” D: “Nothing mother. All I want to know is, will you have the kids to stay till late tonight?” JM: “You’re staying late with him even? What will your husband say if he finds out?” D: “My ex-husband!” There’s no way he’ll be bothered. JM: “So you’re planning a late night over at this loser’s place?” D: “He’s not a loser!” JM: “A man who goes out with a divorced woman with children is a loser and has no principles. Next you’ll be telling me he’s not even Jewish!” D: “Look mother, I don’t want to argue. Am I bringing the kids over or not?” JM: “Those poor children, with such a mother and no stability. No wonder your husband left you!” D: “That’s enough!!!” JM: “Don’t you dare scream at me. It wouldn’t surprise me if you scream at the loser too!” D: “So now you’re worrying about the loser?” JM: “Ah, so you’re admitting it. He is a loser. I spotted it immediately.” D: “Well that’s it! Goodbye mother.”