JEMUN 2017 | Page 7

What is JEMUN?

Each JEMUN agenda is chosen after careful extensive deliberation and discussion by the faculty advisors. These chosen agendas are always issues of great importance to the world that need to be addressed with comprehensive and innovative solutions. At each JEMUN conference, participants experience cooperative hands-on learning, allowing them to confront an issue in English from the perspective of their assigned country. Through these experiences, participants develop an appreciation of differing viewpoints, the frustration of negotiation, the rewards of cooperation, and a broader view of the human side of international relations and diplomacy. The dedicated conference support and guidance from JEMUN faculty advisors and volunteers as well as the knowledge and experience shared by the invited speakers, will truly make this year’s JEMUN conference a professional and educational experience of the highest quality.

Japan English Model United Nations, commonly referred to as JEMUN, is an annual faculty- organized conference held at Kindai University. JEMUN aims to be Japan’s premier English MUN experience for university and high school students worldwide. JEMUN participants will come from places near and far bringing an amazing array of backgrounds and perspectives, resulting in an exciting, engaging, and unforgettable simulation. Our 2017 conference will bring together 256 students from 48 different universities and high schools

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