JEMUN 2017 | Page 14

Ms. Agnes Ekert, from Committee A representing of Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Ms. Mutsumi Yamasaki, from Committee B representing the Delegate of Morocco were all smiles when asked as the interview goes. Having just finished their draft resolution as the interview went on, both of them were relieved and worried at the same time. A lot of relief for finally finishing their draft resolutions, but a little of worry that it may be changed because of the amendments. According to Ms. Ekert, the experience for the past two days in her Committee A—which discusses about Cultural Richness—have been going on well, even though there are some different approaches from each delegates. For Ms. Mutsumi, her committee was running out of time as there were some discussions which skidding off of the topic. For them, one of the biggest difficulties and challenges they faced was the different cultural background of the delegates. Not only that they have to face variety of idea coming from different background, but also different approaches that each individual possessed. But at the end, the opportunity of sitting in the same Meeting Room united these two ladies into a hopefully lasting friendship, even after JEMUN ends.

faced was the different cultural background of the delegates. Not only that they have to face variety of idea coming from different background, but also different approaches that each individual possessed. But at the end, the opportunity of sitting in the same Meeting Room united these two ladies into a hopefully lasting friendship, even after JEMUN ends.

Well done, delegates! Thank you for your cooperation.



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