Javea Grapevine Issue 183 2016 Two | Page 46

Agenda 21 Update Meeting to elect Agenda 21 Representatives on Consultative Committees - The department of Citizen Participation announced that on Wednesday 2 March there will be a meeting to elect new representatives of the Local Agenda 21 in the three Consultative Committees /Councils : Culture, Economic Development and Tourism and Planning and the Environment. The meeting, scheduled at 19.30 pm in the Casa de la Cultura, is open to all people with concerns and who want to actively participate in discussion forums and advise the Town Hall. Note: The Consultative Committee meetings are public, so anyone can attend as a listener if you are interested in the subject matter. Christine Betterton Jones Xabia and Benitatxell clash over boundaries - Benitatxell’s new General Town Plan has created a conflict of boundaries with Xàbia, boundaries which were established in 1899, and which abut 39% of the Xàbia municipal boundary. In addition there is a conflict of land use. Benitatxell has a number of urban developments right on the edge of Xàbia’s protected area of Granadella, while on the other hand Xàbia has almost fully developed the Cansalades-Umbria area, while it is designated as a protected zone in Benitatxell. The Xàbia town council has also sent Benitatxell a proposal of the Environment and urban development consultative committee, that a roundabout should be built at the intersection of Camí Cansalades and the CV740, an infrastructure which does not appear in Benitatxell’s General Town Plan. From: La Marina Plaza No more “Bous embolats” - bulls with flames on their horns- in Xàbia fiestas - The controversial use of bulls running in the streets with fire on their horns (embolats), or bulls let out of small boxes (encaixonats) will no longer take place in Xàbia. This is because of security concerns for people and animals, as well as public concerns regarding the maltreatment of animals. The regular bull running and bulls in the sea (bous a la mar) will take place as usual. From Press Release (Ed’s note: If you want to get an idea of what “bous encaixonats” is