Javea Grapevine Issue 180 - LARGE FONT EDITION | Page 18

forward to having strength in numbers and thank everyone for their enthusiasm and dedication!” One of the guest speakers, and first person to ask for the strategy meeting, was Pedro José Moratalla. Pedro is heading UPROMA, the first unit of its kind to be set up to ensure all Policia Local are aware of current legislation regarding animal welfare, so the police can deal with cases correctly. Lyn Baines said that “Pedro’s involvement is a big advancement for animal welfare in Spain; small steps but forward ones. I’d like to thank all of our guest speakers and delegates who attended. Also many thanks to Team Harmony and volunteers from Cruz Azul for helping out with registrations. Team Harmony held a raffle which raised 284€. We are very grateful to the Northerners and Barrington Dubois, all animal lovers; they gave their time free of charge to entertain our delegates.”