Javea Grapevine Issue 173 - 2015 | Page 86

| Jávea Grapevine No.173 2015 Where to look for Local Information: Whats on and Where - Mike Smith - Javeamigos - http://www.javeamigos.com/news/index_whatson.htm Free Classifieds Jávea Ayuntamiento website link http://www.ajxabia.com/ Jávea Buses http://www.javeamigos.com/dir_holiday/pages/ Buses%202013.htm Useful phone numbers http://www. ajxabia.com/ciutat/directori Street map http://www.ajxabia.com/ ciutat/guia-de-carrers Farmacias http://www.ajxabia.com/ ciutat/farmacias Neighborhood Watch for better security through contact with neighbours [email protected] or 96 579 6110. Transport http://www.ajxabia.com/ ciutat/mobilitat-i-transport British Consulate https://www.gov. uk/government/world/spain Amjasa water company on Facebook https://www.facebook. com/pages/Aguas-Municipales-de-J%C3%A1vea-SA-Amjasa/118621461633526?fref=ts Ajuntament de Xàbia on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ ajuntament.xabia?fref=ts Protección Civil Jávea-Xàbia on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/proteccioncivil.xabia?fref=ts To add your FREE advert (text only) to the classified section you can fill in the form on www.grapevinespain. com or join the Javea Grapevine Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/JaveaGrapevine/ Driving in Spain as a Resident from the UK consulate https://www.gov. uk/living-in-spain#driving-licencesin-spain The DGT http://www.dgt.es/portal/ es/la_dgt/bienvenida/ Child safety in cars http://www. seguridadvialinfantil.org/legislacion-asientos-ninos-coches/legislacion-asientos-para-ninos-en-espana-2/ Legal aid in Spain http://ec.europa. eu/civiljustice/legal_aid/legal_aid_ spa_en.htm Fiesta days http://www.seg-social. es/Internet_1/Masinformacion/CalendarioLaboral/index.htm autónomo system http://www.advoco.es/hot-topics/43-guide-to-spainsautonomo-system.html reporting illegal workers http:// www.empleo.gob.es/itss/web/Sala_ de_comunicaciones/Como_denunciar_ITSS.html fuel prices & petrol stations - select your fuel, input you location, and up pops a list of petrol stations and their prices http://geoportal.mityc.es/hidrocarburos/eess/?l=sl#/ location of speed cameras! Useful if you are going elsewhere... also good for latest traffic flows, and petrol stations in the area with their prices! http://mapas.race.es/ Telecoms where to complain about Telecoms companies http://www.usuariosteleco.es/Paginas/index.aspx Comparison websites banks http://www.mejorescuentascorrientes.com/ energy http://www.comparador.cne. es/ Mortgages, bank cards http://http:// www.comparador.com/ Car ins https://www.rastreator.com/ landing/s...&utm_campaign= Insurance - house, health, car, life http://www.asesorseguros.com/seguros-salud/