Javea Grapevine 342 | Page 60

En el año 1976 viví en Francia de marzo a junio. In 1976 I lived in France from March to June. La Batalla de Hastings fue en 1066. The Battle of Hastings was in 1066. I affectionately call the imperfect ’The wishy washy past’. We use it for past actions when we don’t know when they happened, nor how often, nor how long they lasted. They are repeated, ongoing or incomplete past actions. Cuando yo era joven me gustaba ir al colegio. When I was young I liked going to school. Being young isn’t a fixed period – we don’t know when it started or finished. Visitaban a sus abuelos cada domingo. They visited their grandparents every Sunday. We don’t when, nor how often. Now for the past perfect. This is the ‘had done something’ tense. We mostly use it for talking about something which had happened when something else did. It uses the imperfect of haber with the past participle. Habíamos empezado a comer cuando él llegó. We had started eating when he arrived. Habían estudiado bien, conque pasaron los exámenes. They had studied well so they passed the exams.