Javea Grapevine 342 | Page 59

be used to say what happened yesterday, last week, last month or last year. You will usually learn the simple past & the imperfect next. These can be confusing for English speakers simply because they translate the same. We say ‘’I walked to the market this morning’’. In Spanish that’s the simple past Caminé al mercado esta mañana. We also say “I walked to school every day’’. In Spanish that’s the imperfect. Yo caminaba a colegio cada día’. The simple past is used for a past action which happened at a clear point in time, or for something which happened for a clear period of time. When we know clearly when the action started &/or finished. Also, for something repeated when we know & state how many times it happened. For something which can only happen once, such as doing something for the first time – or being born, for instance! It might have happened a couple of minutes ago, or a couple of centuries ago. We can say Esta mañana tomamos un café juntos. This morning we had a coffee together. El viernes pasado tomamos un café juntos. Last Friday we had a coffee together.