Javea Grapevine 341 | Page 93

And lastly , A present tense trigger can lead to present or imperfect subjunctive . Look carefully at what follows the trigger .

If it ’ s present or future , then use the Present Subjunctive , if it ’ s in the past , then use the Imperfect subjunctive .

We don ’ t use the subjunctive when there ’ s TRUTH , when something is OBVIOUS , CERTAIN , EVIDENT or SURE . Then we use the indicative . I ’ ll add IF to that .

IF there ’ s an IF followed by the present or future , then there ’ s no subjunctive . However IF past , does trigger the subjunctive .

A trigger in anything but the present tense , leads to the Imperfect subjunctive .

The future subjunctive is hardly used outside legalese these days – so unless you ’ re writing contracts in Spanish , you don ’ t need it !

Be aware of it , but ‘ file it ’ away in the back of your brain somewhere .