Javea Grapevine 341 | Page 91

So, what the heck is a WEIRDO? Take a look at this: E.g. Espero que no llueva mañana y podré ir a la playa. Hope trigger Subjuntive – hope & doubt Espero que no llueva mañana Simple future indicative– there’s no doubt that if it doesn’t rain, I’ll go to the beach – that’s a firm plan. y podré ir a la playa On the basis that there’s always more than one way to explain things, this is how my mate Tamara, who has passed Spanish DELE C1 – there’s only C2 above that! – describes it: Tamara’s KKK rule. WEIRDOs – some are verbs & some are just one word - are the ‘triggers’ for using the subjunctive mood. Usually they are followed by QUE, & then the next verb will be in the subjunctive. Subsequent verbs in a sentence might be too but - might not be. Kiero / Kuando / Kizás. Or Quiero / Cuando / Quizás QUIERO. Along with all the other ‘‘desire’’ words. Quiero que vengan. Deseo que hables español. Que tengas un buen día. (the ‘desire’ verb is absent but implied)