Javea Grapevine 341 | Page 90

SUBJUNCTIVITIS! The subjunctive mood & when to use it - & when not to! Lynn Cobb www.learn-aprender.com This is pretty advanced stuff. If you were studying with official DELE courses, you wouldn’t be taught about it until level B1, which is the 3 rd level up, & then only the present subjunctive & in a simple way. The real nitty gritty doesn’t come in until level B2, the next level up, when you start to learn the imperfect subjunctive. It isn’t a tense, it’s a mood, & is ‘available’ in more than one tense. The others are the ‘indicative’ which is the one we use the most, & certainly learn first, & the ‘imperative’ which is for giving instructions. When I was first learning to use the subjunctive, I was told about WEIRDO, & also given a list of more than 60 ‘triggers’. I still find that list useful, though most of them can be bundled up as WEIRDOs. I pass the list onto my students now & I’ll add it at the end.