Javea Grapevine 339 | Page 52

MORE ABOUT PRONOUNS So many people have trouble with the little words – especially those which are used in place of the noun (person or thing). Those little words are called PRONOUNS. Perhaps the hardest thing about using them, is that even when the noun is no longer in the sentence, that noun still controls them – for gender, & singular & plural. More about that here GENDER CONFUSION! There are various kinds of pronouns – this explains some of them. PERSONAL PRONOUNS We know that when using verbs, we don’t need to say ‘yo’, ‘tú’ etc., but sometimes they can be used, mostly to emphasise a point. So, we do need to know what they mean. Remember, there is no word in Spanish for ‘I’, because it’s in the verb! ‘YO’ is often translated as ‘I’, but that isn’t really correct. YO TÚ ÉL / ELLA NOSOTROS / NOSOTRAS VOSOTROS / VOSOTRAS ELLOS / ELLAS ME YOU HIM / HER US YOU-ALL THEM