Javea Grapevine 338 | Page 66

The Marina Alta - three different economic zones The Marina Alta has joined forces to fight unemployment and define strategies to boost the regional economy. Under the umbrella of the Consortium for the Economic Recovery and Activity of the Marina Alta (Creama), the municipalities of the region have come together in the Territorial Agreement for Employment and Local Development. They have a valuable tool: the Territorial Diagnosis of the Marina Alta. A detailed study of the Marina Alta, as a socio-economic unit, which shows that it is heterogeneous and can be roughly divided into three areas: The coast (with its sun and beach tourism), the Interior (which suffers from depopulation, lack of agricultural prospects and poor infrastructure) and an intermediate zone between the two. Actions to improve the economy need to be tailored the area concerned and complementary to those of other areas. The bad transport communications, both within and connecting areas, are a common problem affecting all areas. Xàbia to re-submit revised EDUSI project The Xàbia Town Council has unanimously agreed to submit a revised EDUSI project to obtain co-finance from the European Union to carry out projects on integrated urban development (for details of original project see: EDUSI Integrated sustainable Urban development. The original project was put forward last year, and was very close