Javea Grapevine 337 | Page 22

PostScript El Canor

The first , of what we hope will be an annual event , ArtsFair was held by The Arts Society Marina Alta at Salones El Canor in Teulada on the 20th September to highlight local creative activities .

The event was held to showcase the talent and artistic abilities of the Society ’ s members and friends in the Marina Alta area . The ArtsFair attracted 40 local artists to exhibit their paintings , ceramics , textiles , and photography and celebrate their endeavours in a sociable atmosphere .

The Project was arranged and organised by members of the Society ’ s Committee and attracted more than 200 visitors during the day . A vote of thanks to the participants and visitors was given during the day by the Society ’ s Chairman , Tony Cabban , for their hard work and supporting this local event . He and the committee were delighted with the response from the community of artists and visitors .