Javea Grapevine 189 | Page 70

attract funds and resources to help its conservation and archaeological excavation .

The Island has been inhabited since prehistoric times was used as an anchorage from 7th Century BC .

Visigothic Monks hid there , and it was inhabited during Islamic times . During the Napoleonic war , a family , whose descendents are know as “ la Isla ” ( the Island ) hid there .

Despite damage from agriculture in the 19th century , many interesting artefacts have been found there , including an exception piece of Phoenecian bronze .

In the same exercise , the “ Banys de la Reina ” - Queen ’ s baths of Calpe , have also been declared a BIC and traditional dry stone walling has been declared an item of local traditional relevance . La Marina Plaza

From tourist resort to a friendly town - The 12 lines of action Jávea must take to achieve this before 2022

On Monday ( Nov 21st ) the PSPV local government of Xàbia unveiled proposals to make it one of the municipalities chosen to obtain funding from the Feder Funds of the European Union through the Integrated Sustainable Urban Development Strategy ( Edusi ).

The project would allow Xàbia to change its current social and urban image from top to bottom through a series of actions between 2017 and 2022 ( these are to be approved at the next Town Council plenary session ).

The total cost would be 10 million euros : Five from Brussels and five from Xàbia ’ s budgets . The proposals which are encompassed in the project called “ Fent Xàbia ”, were developed after an extensive , transverse , citizen