Javea Grapevine 189 | Page 46

Sadly no longer with us but their words live on

Chester Himes ( 1909 - 1984 ) American Author - Detective stories Lived in Moraira http :// www . penguinrandomhouse . com / authors / 13050 / chester-himes
Max Mundy ( 1916 - 2006 ) Sylvia Anne Matheson - Adventure Stories http :// www . iranicaonline . org / articles / matheson-sylvia-writer-traveler-archeologist
Brian Orgill Psychological Drama by the late Brian Orgill www . brianorgill . com
Charlene Quince Non-Fiction about Javea and Fiction - now deceased - www . amazon . co . uk / s / ref = dp _ byline _ sr _ book _ 1 ? ie = UTF8 & text = Charlene + Quince & search-alias = books-uk & field-author = Charlene + Quince
Sylvia Schofield ( 1916 - 2006 ) Non-Fiction - Lived in Javea www . telegraph . co . uk / news / obituaries / 1514823 / Sylvia-Schofield . html
Anne Weale - Jay Blakeney ( 1929 - 2007 ) Romantic Novels lived in Javea https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Anne _ Weale