Javea Grapevine 186 2016 Five | Page 57

Ken Hughes Scientific Theory www.amazon.co.uk/Binary-Universe-Ken-Hughes/dp/0956800211 Jalon Valley Writers Group Short Stories from Gail Tucker, Agnes Hall, Sheila Skinner, Avner Kornblum, Vivien Johnson, Paul Shearer Walmsley, Jean M. Watson, Colin Hall & Deborah Grant www.allinthemix.info Maya Middlemiss User Testing and Qualitative Research www.sarosresearch.com/researcher/saros-approach/the-participant-principle.html Jana Petken Historical Fiction www.janapetkenauthor.com Picked and Mixed includes Short Stories from local authors Gail Tucker, Sheila Skinner, Jennifer Nesteroff, Linda McGillycuddy, Irene Hogg, Sue Frost, Tony Henderson, Michael A.W.Griffin (19282005), Mai Griffin, Gaile M. Griffin Peers, Vonnie Giles, William Daysh MBE, Andy Crabb, Margaret Cornwell www.pickedandmixed.com Norman MacRitchie Reeley Terrorism Thrillers www.amazon.co.uk/Norman-MacRitchie-Reeley/e/ B00ERYQMXY George J. Thomas Espionage Thrillers www.georgejthomas.com Alan Warner Surreal Black Comedy https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/29842. Alan_Warner Kerry Webber Javea Guide and Non Fiction www.kerrywebber.com/articles.html Edward Henry Weinel Post War Novels - around the Aviation Industry www.edwardweinel.com Lesely Welsh Gangster Novels www.lesleywelsh.com Cornelius Maria Wiedenhoff Javea’s History www.casitasiberica.com/javea-news2014/Fascinating-History-of-a-Small-Town.php Sadly no longer with us but their words live on Chester Himes (1909 - 1984) American Author - Detective stories Lived in Moraira http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/authors/13050/chester-himes Max Mundy (1916 - 2006) Sylvia Anne Matheson - Adventure Stories http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/matheson-sylvia-writer-traveler-archeologist Brian Orgill Psychological Drama by the late Brian Orgill www.brianorgill.com Charlene Quince Non-Fiction about Javea and Fiction - now deceased - www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=dp_ byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Charlene+Quince&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=Charlene+Quince Sylvia Schofield (1916 - 2006) Non-Fiction - Lived in Javea www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1514823/ Sylvia-Schofield.html Anne Weale - Jay Blakeney (1929 - 2007) Romantic Novels lived in Javea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Weale