Jasmine's Place Issue No. 19 - September/October 2017 | Page 59

(speaking of the same end times event) - “I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. There will be two women grinding together; one will be taken and the other left.” (RSV) How much more personable could my Lord and Savior be? I came to find out that this was just the beginning, the very beginning. All these years later, I am still learning and growing and daily thanking my incredible rabboni, the Lord Jesus Christ. I mentally checked this out too - too early in time for electricity in the fields, so it had to be daytime for those grinding in the field. And it had to be nighttime for those asleep. To me, this affirmed the concept of an earth with part of it in day and the rest in night when this event happened. And yes, He pulled me feet first out of the bottle and set me completely free from the other spiritual power sources that did me harm. HE is able. HE is faithful. Come visit my blog! http://myincrediblelord.blogspot.com Again, who but the Lord God knew about this at the time in history, when these scriptures were written? I thank God for caring enough to help me with my “issues” about the Bible. I thank Him for looking upon my converted atheist’s heart and showing me, answering my questions and giving me much to think about in the years that followed. I no longer wondered which parts of the Bible were “just good stories” and which were literal. I knew from that day on I could rely on what was written within its incredible and wonderful pages. And I knew that I would have these examples to share with anyone else who was questioning like I was. How much more could I be loved? © Marijo Phelps. All Rights Reserved. Saved by His grace in 1974, from 9 years of professing atheism into His loving arms. RN for 23 years, missionary with YWAM, then statistical analyst for Every Home for Christ over 9 years. Living with my husband in the middle of a mountain meadow. GRIN! Wanting to spread the good news. JASMINE'S PLACE 59