Jasmine's Place Issue No. 16 - August 2015 | страница 42

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23-24 I am confident in the fact that my creativity is a part of His unique plan in how I was made. Questioning or even denying these gifts and talents is, in a sense, denying our Creator. While I still love being a designer, my motivation in acquiring new clients is now different. young single mother make the most of her existing space through presenting her with creative, yet practical storage solutions. It is critical, however for me to remember that there is a greater calling within which my design gifts should operate. When we fully acknowledge that our time here on earth is not permanent, we are better suited to operate from a position of love, kindness and selflessness - regardless of our careers. While I have always been interested in creating spaces that are conducive to creating memories, I am now thinking less of only the aesthetic elements of a design job. For example, I still look for to serve clients and meet their specific design needs, but I also look outward into my community, scanning our worldly landscape for those who may be in need of help. I am keeping my eyes open for opportunities to use the skills, gifts and talents that God has not only blessed me with, but has called me to use. Perhaps there is an opportunity in creating an uplifting, but modest space for a young person to gracefully re- enter society or a way to help a 42 JASMINE'S PLACE Project pictures: Space in transitional house converted to small library. Dawn Trimble is a full- time wife and mother of two beautiful children. God graces her with the ability to run an interior designer business as well as serve as her church's Children's Ministry Director. In love with Jesus, Dawn is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and passionate about helping others begin or strengthen their relationship with Christ. Visit her at: novicelandscapes.wordpress.com