JAPAN and the WORLD Magazine OCTOBER ISSUE 2015 #Issue 13 | Page 14

JAPAN FRANCOPHONIE The Japanese booth at the French Language World Forum in Liège, July 2015. The second round of the French Language World Forum, held in Liège from July 20-23 July 2015, will be remembered as a successful experience by members of the Japanese delegation attending the event. 第2回世界フランス語フォーラムが 2015年7月20日~23日にベルギーの リエージュで開催されました。参加し た日本代表団のメンバーの心には、 記念すべき成功体験として長く刻ま れることでしょう。 FMLF 2015 Sayuko YAMANAKA Cette expérience à Liège m’a permis de faire une expérience très précieuse. En effet, j’ai pu rencontrer des personnes de divers endroits et statuts, à ce forum. J’ai été vraiment surprise par le nombre de francophones, notamment ceux qui l’ont appris en tant que langue étrangère. J’ai réalisé l’influence de la langue française dans le monde entier, et l’ampleur du réseau francophone au niveau mondial. 今回リエージュで行われたフォーラムに参加したこ とで、様々な地域や、 ステータスの人と出会え、大変 貴重な経験をすることができました。 フランス語話 者、 とりわけフランス語を外国語として学んだ人の 数に驚愕し、世界におけるフランス語の影響力や、 フランス語ネットワークの広さを実感しました。 13 // OCTOBER 2015 WHY LEARNING FRENCH MAY BE A REWARDING EXPERIENCE FOR JAPANESE なぜフランス語を学ぶことが日本人に とって実りある体験となり得るのでしょうか? S even young Japanese worked hard in preparing for a 90 minute presentation on Japan. Each of them presented on a topic of their choice related to Japanese culture, economy and society. The audience for this well attended session was mostly native French speakers from all parts of the world. The following examples show the originality of topics on Japan, chosen by each participant. In their talks, each presenter mentioned what they had gained from studying the French language. Learning a foreign language is both rewarding and can provide a greater understanding about how Japan is perceived from abroad, as well as the role it plays in the world. 02 03 SEVEN EXAMPLES 01 On the eve of the Olympics, one participant from Kobe mentioned that she wants to become a Japanese / French interpreter during the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. French is an official language of the Olympics and a third of all participating countries are members of the International Organisation for La Francophonie. 04 Another student drew inspiration from her knowledge of the efforts being made to promote French language studies in Japan, to describe her vision of how to improve the teaching of Japanese abroad. She stressed the lack of qualified Japanese language teachers to respond to the demand, as there are currently four million people learning Japanese abroad. A Japanese participant who wants to promote tourism in Japan, asked young francophone people what type of activities they would be looking to do if they visited Japan. He mentioned that Japan aims to attract 20 million tourists by 2020. However, he argued that in order to achieve this goal Japan needs to be able to communicate its message in many languages, including French language, which is spoken on all five continents. The role of women in the economy as well as corporate governance reforms have become hot topics of debate in Japan. A Japanese participant suggested that it would be beneficial for young francophone to know about these issues. JAPAN AND THE WORLD MAGAZINE