Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida January Ditchmen | Page 14


Today, I am proud to announce that Florida’s hardworking businesses have created more than one million jobs across Florida in just five years. Thanks to our focus on cutting taxes and making it easier for job creators to succeed, our businesses are creating jobs faster than we ever expected. Even though today’s news is great, we have to continue to diversify our economy by cutting $1 billion in taxes and creating the Florida Enterprise Fund so Florida can be first for jobs.

Here are some other points you can share about Florida’s economy with your friends and family:

•Florida’s private-sector job growth month-to-month has been positive

for 49 consecutive months.

•Private-sector industries gaining the most jobs over the month in

November were construction with 10,600 new jobs; trade, transportation,

and utilities with 6,500 new jobs; and professional and business services

with 6,400 new jobs.

•Florida job postings showed 299,530 openings in November 2015.

•Statewide, closed sales for single-family homes in October rose 1.2

percent over-the-year.

•In November, Florida’s 24 regional workforce boards reported more

than 37,095 Floridians, including 1,827 veterans, were placed in jobs.

This growth is helping Florida become first for jobs, and we look forward to seeing more businesses and families succeed in our great state.


Rick Scott
