January 2017 Issue #5 issue | Page 31

Recently , David expanded into the world of ebooks , which he refers to as “ vanity books ,” because the business model permits him to have complete editorial control of the projects , helping him advance his search for beauty and truth .
Wire Magazine Publisher Rafa Carvajal caught up with David , a frequent collaborator with Wire Magazine , to discuss this new aspect of the photographer ’ s publishing career and the types of products he has made available .
Rafa Carvajal : Tell our readers about your ebooks . David Vance : These are books I have self-published through www . blurb . com . They are hard ( or soft ) cover books on different subjects of interest to me personally .
RC : What motivated you to publish ebooks ? DV : I call them vanity books . I wanted to be able to have complete control over design and content , and not be dependent on a publisher . Some of the images a publisher will be interested in and able to market aren ’ t always my personal favorites … it ’ s usually more like art by committee .
RC : Do your ebooks have specific themes or are they about specific models ? DV : They are books on some of my muses that show a progression of photos through several years . They are also books on subjects that a publisher would be hesitant to produce , like Fabulous Faces and Profiles , which is all portraits that I love to photograph . There is also a retrospective of my overall work from commercial to fine art from 1970 to 2010 . It ’ s really diehard fans who will enjoy these books the most . They are more of a glimpse into my personal taste and me .
RC : How do you curate your ebooks ? DV : My subjects are personal to me . The process is whimsical . These collections sort of just happen . Things I feel the need to express and share , that I can ’ t do in a more conventional way .
RC : How do your ebooks differ from your hardcover men ’ s photography books ? DV : Although a few of the titles are available in electronic format , most of these digital books are actual books . They differ from conventionally produced books because they are generally smaller with fewer pages and are printed on demand digitally as opposed to being printed on a printing press thousands at a time .
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