Jankriti International Magazine Jankriti Issue 27-29, july-spetember 2017 | Page 82

Jankriti International Magazine/ जनकृसत अंतरराष्ट्रीय पसिका 21. Tok khitung Jangirimani: Shaking of hen's tail. 22. Harung maikisilmani: Wavy view of paddy field. Tokma yaching malmani: Shaking of hen's leg. 23. Mayung hadul nakmani: elephant dusting. 24. Sikambuk kholmani: Collection of snail movement. ISSN: 2454-2725 Labang in high and low slopes of the jhoom field are imitated in the Lebang dance. To conclude it may be recapitulated that due to changing socio-cultural circumstances, the life-style of the Tripuris are also being caught in the vortex of metamorphosis. Consequently the dance is no longer performed by the jhoom cultivators. It has now assumed the form of recreational dance form. Mashak Surmani Lebang bumani Dance Lebang is akind of insect highly destructive to jhoom crops. Tripuris call it ‘kuk’. These insects at times flock to the jhoom field when the paddy plants shoot up to flower- spike. The ‘kuk’ may be compared to the locust, a terror to Bengals agriculturists. Lebang is a green coloured insect. To protect the jhoom crops from destructive attack of the swarms of insect ‘Lebang’, the jhoom cultivators both men and women adopt a kind of device to drive out the Lebang. From this device is originated the dance. Lebangbumani dance can also be called jhoom dance and it is performed in the jhoom plot. It is a group dance participated by both men and women. the dancers stand in along row with two bamboo sticks in hands and produce a peculiar rhythmic sound that attracts the insect ‘Lebang’ to come out from their hideout. When the Lebangs come out in a body , the dancers tumble down to catch or to kill the insects. The different movements required for driving the Vol. 3 , issue 27-29, July-September 2017. Mashak is a Tripuri word which means deer. The origin of this dance can be attributed to the fullest expression of joy of the deer hunters following their hunting gain. In a word, the Mashak surmani dance can aptly be called as the dance of trophy. It is performed during return journey of the hunters with game. On their way home two or four strong persons carry the game on their shoulders and the accompanying ones walking side by side frequently, out of great joy, make loud cry and make different gestures while walking sometimes a bit slower to keep pace with the carriers of the game. In the Mashak surmani dance, two forms of dances are performedby the hunters. The hunters who carry the game can hardly move limbs fst due to pressure of the load. So they can make only slow and steady movement while advancing ahead. The persons who are free can make various movement expressing their joy to every beat of walking step. Now-a-days this dance is totally absent from the real scene as deer hunting is totally banned by the government. However this dance वर्ष 3, अंक 27-29 जुलाई-सितंबर 2017