Jankriti International Magazine Jankriti Issue 27-29, july-spetember 2017 | Page 81

Jankriti International Magazine / जनकृ सत अंतरराष्ट्रीय पसिका ISSN : 2454-2725
On the other hand Garia dance can be attributed to twofold concepts , socialistic and ritualistic . It is ritualistic as it is performed round the alter of Garia deity when the puja goes on . While it is socialistic as it helps attract large social gathering .
Garia Dance
Garia dance recital is performed by a group of dancers to the rhythmic and beat of the flute and drum . Both the male and female join in the dancing troup . The dance begins with slow stepping , and the stepping grows faster and swifter as the drum beating is made faster and faster . Sometimes the dancers go round and round . Arms waving and swinging high and low . While dancing , the dancers sing in a chorus sometimes making loud cry expressing joyous mood . When the dance troup accompanied by the priest set out from one village to another village they proclaim the news of travelling of Garia deity to villages with the slogans “ We the votaries of god Garia are here . The king Garia desires to travel . All the householders keep awakening . The Garia king has appeared before you to bless ”.
Garia dance is not a magic dance . There is no mystic concept about it . It is a dance to express the feeling of joy and satisfaction at the close of the year as well as in the beginning of happy new year . The striking feature of Garia dance is its different kinds of mudras or movements imitated from the nature as well as from the movements of animals and birds . This imitated mudras made the Garia dance more enjoyable without any dullness monotony .
Some of Mudra or Steps of Goria dance :
1 . Luku kobokmani : Invitation .
2 . Khulumani :
movement .
3 . Nokfarmani : Sweeping of house .
4 . Khum
kholmai :
flowers .
5 . Chokha bai khul lubmani : Making of thread by spinning wheel .
6 . Tapang Muiya faihmani : Breaking of Bamboo shoot .
7 . Mai sarmani : Spreading of Paddy seeds .
8 . Maikaimani : Sowing of paddy seen in Jhum .
9 . Tukumani : Bathing movement .
10 . Yakung bai Mainakmani : Separation of paddy by foot .
11 . Rwsambo mai sukmani : Husking of paddy .
12 . Hor sohmani : Fire making .
13 . Yafabumani : Clapping of hands movement .
14 . Mwkhra rwkmani : Chasing the monkey .
15 . Tok tanlai mani : Cook fighting .
16 . Toksa ada tukmani : Birds feeding movement .
17 . Tok Mai sukmani : Hen eating of corn .
18 . Topsi bahrmani : Jumping like parakeet
19 . Tok birmani : Birds flying .
20 . Abisani Khichumu suhmani : Washing of Baby ' s nappy .
Vol . 3 , issue 27-29 , July-September 2017 . वर्ष 3 , अंक 27-29 जुलाई-सितंबर 2017