JAMO magazine JUNE/JULY 2017/34 Issue | Page 13


hat was it like to be

on Dance Moms?

Looking back, being on Dance Moms was a great opportunity because I was able to do what I loved at 7 and 8 years old. The experience of learning different choreography so fast weekly and traveling to competition every week was challenging. It definitely taught me to be strong, focused, and how to handle a lot of pressure.

What do you miss about Dance Moms?

Hmmm...I would have to say, I miss the fast pace traveling schedule. It sounds crazy but I love to travel and be on the go non-stop.

What is it about acting that is different than the dancing and singing you have done so far in your career?

I really love acting. The challenge of bringing a character or role to life for a director is so rewarding when you can totally be the opposite of yourself. It's a

cool process, and I love everything about being on set.

How much do you know about the O.J. Simpson story? When you landed the role of Sydney in The People v. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story, how did you prepare?

Prior to being cast as Sydney Simpson, I had heard stories about the tragedy of this event. I would hear the media talk about it, because it was such a high-profile case, but I wasn't born at the time so I really had to read up on the case and my parents new a lot so I had tons of information. For my part, I felt the need to read up on Sydney and make sure my emotion for her was right, and how any kid my age and Sydney's age at the time would feel in order to come across more natural. This was one role I really feel grateful for because this whole project and the cast and crew were amazing!

I just love the challenge of acting, it's not easy but it's very rewarding

Photographer: Birdie Thompson

Interview by Fami