James Madison's Montpelier We The People Spring 2017 Montpelier_WTP_Spring2017_FINAL-1-web | Page 4

WE THE PEOPLE HIGHLIGHTS New Excavations on Temple Ice House The restoration of Mr. Madison’s Temple is in full swing, and all of the Portland cement around the Temple’s base has been removed. Because this cement was holding in moisture, the Madison-era brick below began to crumble. Montpelier’s preservation team had bricks handmade and wood-fired to match the size of this historic brick, and has begun brickwork repair. In the coming months, archaeology excavations around the doorway to the icehouse below the Temple will be complete, and we will restore the doorway and brick retaining walls. The final project will be painting the roof Madison-era red. This phase of Temple restoration will be complete in time for the grand opening of our new exhibition, The Mere Distinction of Colour. 4