James Madison's Montpelier We the People Fall 2014 | Page 19

We The People calendar of events 19 MANSION RESTORATION J ANUARy 5 - 1 6 , 2 0 1 5 Montpelier will be closed for mansion renovations, interior painting, and plaster repair. Follow our progress on social media! E V E RYBODY LOV ES MRS. MADISON : DOLL EY MADISON IN L E T T E RS AND PIC T UR E S OP E NIN G J ANUARy 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 This exhibit illuminates the iconic Dolley Madison, the original presidential spouse to be called “First Lady,” through her personal letters, a daguerreotype by the famed artist Matthew Brady, and a commemorative silver dollar designed by Tiffany & Co. for U.S. Mint. PR E SIDENTS' DAY CELEB RATION F E B RUARY 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 Esteemed histo