James Harvest Sportswear Harvest Icons 2016 | Page 43

j a m e s h a r v e s t s p o r t s w e a r The James Harvest Sportswear collection is vast and filled to the brim with excellent garments. In this magazine you find a selection of the assortment. We listed the iconic garments displayed, many of which you can find wide array of colors. Check jamesharvest.com for the complete collection and the authorized dealerships where you can acquire the garments. Treadville + Ladies Lowell + Loraine: Nottingmoon + Ladies Bloomingon + Florence Knowville + Fontana Cornell + Ladies Duke + Lady L.A. Harrington Grifton + Gladstone: Huntingview + Ladies Garland Orlando + Ladies Westhope + Waterville – 43 – Largo: