James Harvest Sportswear Harvest Icons 2016 | Page 16

j a m e s h a r v e s t s p o r t s w e a r W hen I was young, the summers lasted forever. Riding around on my bike with tanned, scraped up legs on my way to the local swimming pond. Endless summers with constant sunshine. I honestly don’t remember there being many rainy days. Except that one time, when we where camping in Norway and it rained the whole time. But. That rain made the trip into an Adventure. I loved it. Going to our summer house in the worst snowstorm ever, together with my father. We had to do or check something so the water pipes wouldn’t freeze. On the way we had to leave the car behind and walk a long hike through snow up to my armpits. It was cold and the wind made the snow tear at my face, and I felt like we where going to the Antarctic. Once we arrived we started a fire and made some hot chocolate to get warm again. Just me and my dad. Objects in the rear view mirror may appear brighter than they were. Well designed items however, will stand the test of time and define class and true style. They do not need the rose tinted glasses. In the brand James Harvest Sportswear we have a tradition of looking backwards as well as forwards. We look at the past to find the iconic garments that fit the contemporary. We constantly gaze into the future to find the materials and styles of tomorrow. Enjoy this trip of things past and things present. Enjoy the James Harvest Icons. And by the way. The pipes didn’t freeze. Magnus Mieres, Art Director at J.H.S. – 16 –