Jaguars Cub Club Newsletter Cub Club Newsletter April 2017 | Page 10

Spring 2017 2-3 YEAR-OLDS I n the most famous fall of all time, Jack and Jill probably weren’t watching where they were going. Or they didn’t realize how steep the hill was. But either way, when they tumbled down with the pail of water, poor little Jack broke his crown. In today’s world, a fall like that would have landed him in an emergency room for a concussion evaluation! But advances in medical care aside, the truth remains that falls are still the number-one reason children from newborns to age 14 go to the emergency room in the U.S. In fact, nearly 2 million children a year require emergency care following a fall of some kind. “More than 75 percent of all playground-related injuries are related to falls... Lack of or improper supervision is associated with about 45 percent of these injuries.” The most likely places these falls occur? Falling from furniture; from recreation equipment like a bike, skateboard or scooter; down the stairs; and while playing sports and on the playground. 10 Cub Club Quarterly