itSMFI 2017 Forum Focus - June Forum Focus ITSMFI | Page 13

collaboration over contract negotiation). Customer collaboration, however, goes a step further than just taking feedback to heart. In this case, the customer can play a more active role in determining the nature and shape of the services that they are willing to pay for (Agile Principle: Business people and the service provider must work together daily throughout the service lifecycle). This has its limits, though: if we are talking about stand- ard services (e.g. Cloud storage), it may cost a lot to customise them for one specific customer. Even if the customer is willing to pay for customisation, this has an impact on the service management aspects, as likely customised processes to support these services need to be defined as well. This inevitably reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of the service management system as a whole. That said, it should be acknowledged that customers should be able to influence what a service (even a standard one) should look like: what existing service elements are deemed unnecessary and what service elements are to be added in order to provide more value. Using a Customer Advisory Board or a similar structure to actively and regularly collaborate with customers on this is a way to achieve more agility in the design of new and the improvement of existing services. The “daily” collaboration from the Agile principle may be has been delivered, the users or customers can make new feature requests in the form of user stories, which get presented to the service development team as a prioritised service backlog. The customer will then be invoiced based on the amount of new func- tionality that has been added to the service. This does require the service being contracted in a way that permits fee increases based on the release of new features as requested through user stories. Note that the service backlog would also include customer requirements related to service management aspects: this is again in line with the outside-in approach to service management mentioned before. So the customer and users have a say in how they want the service management processes to function, in particular the interaction with their own versions of those processes. Furthermore, specific demands for e.g. reporting and invoicing may be expressed through a service backlog managed by the Service Owner. Again, customisation and interaction between service management processes is only viable if the customer is large enough to warrant this. That said, smaller customers should have a say about the effectiveness of service management process- es and are entitled to an excellent service experience; perhaps not as tailored as for large customers that pay for it, but still meeting their expectations. Focus on People The ISMF’s core premise is to extend service management with a people focus. This aspect of Agile is therefore well suited within the framework that has been described before. Agile has a few practical focus points that are worth mentioning in this context, though. These are related to the type of people to hire for a service-oriented team and the organisation of the team itself. taken with a grain of salt – the aim is to regularly interact with the customer to make sure services meet expectations. This focus on customer collaboration also makes the role of the Business Relationship Manager (BRM) far more important and somewhat different. The BRM’s role should be more like that of a Service Owner on the service provider’s side, which has aspects of the Product Owner’s role in Agile. In Agile, a Product Owner represents the business requirements, creates and prioritises a backlog of user stories, which are basically feature requests for the product, and interacts with the development side (e.g. with a Scrum Master) on getting these implemented in the product. In a services environment, the BRM should be that representative of the business, providing the customer’s requests for service enhancements to the service designers and implementers in order to provide more value. The Agile Product Owner has the responsibility to work with the customer to draw up user stories in a specific format, build a product backlog of user stories and then prioritise the backlog, so the service development team knows what is most important to develop. Looking at this from the services perspective, there may or may not be a case to do this, depending on the nature of the service and the way in which it has been sold. For large outsourcing deals, likely the customer cannot be bothered creating user stories and prioritising them with the Service Owner/BRM. Outsourcing means delegating that responsibility to a service provider and having it done by others. Looking at a cloud-based application or platform (SaaS or PaaS), this structure with a prioritised backlog of user sto- ries may in fact work better: once the Minimum Viable Service (MVS – the basic service that provides the core valuable functions of the service; the Agile terminology is Minimum Viable Product or MVP) 13 itSMFI Forum Focus—June 2017 A Service Management implementation needs to have a focus on the individual aspects of the people performing their jobs within the framework. This is to do with a number of aspects of individual and collective effectiveness. First of all, skills are to be assessed – not only in the context of job interviews to find the right candidate, but more so to create a close team of individuals who not only have their own specialisations, but have a broader development which gives them the flexibility to deploy their activities in other areas as well. This permits them to interact more effectively across functions with other team members. Agile is strongly in favour of having staff available that can perform multiple roles if required. Netflix [4] has called these people “T-shaped” to indicate that combination of a broad background (the horizontal bar of the letter T) and a deep specialisation (the vertical bar). As described before, skills and behaviour are directly related to the right attitude (Agile Principle: Build services around motivated individuals), especially in an IT environment where (technical) specialisation often results in a lack of social engagement. Closely- working teams need people with a cooperative attitude, including openness to other people’s ideas and perspectives, an active interest in trying to find new ways to achieve more value; a drive for innovation and a continual focus on improvement in general, to name a few things. Paired with the broad-and-deep skills each team member possesses, this attitude is needed to generate actual results within the team. Further aspects of attitude that Agile focuses on include a high level of trust in each other; being able to take responsibility for one’s results; and a high degree of adaptability to cope with change in the environment, objectives or any other aspect. There is a belief that some Agile proponents propagate, saying that for teams to be most effective, they should be co-located. At face value, there is something to say for this, given that it is easier to communicate with people if you can walk up to them and have a conversation. However, in today’s virtual workspace, where teams are more often than not virtual, viz. distributed across multiple locations, in different time zones and cultures, there simply is no way to realise this. And I see no real issue with that – today’s communication tools are so varied that, when set up well, they can