itSMFI 2016 Forum Focus - December Forum Focus ITSMFIV3 | Page 2

A Word from the International Chair—Shari Brunette Organizational Change – a success story We often find the organizational change component of a project to be “short-cut” as the project works to implement. This is a story of successfully integrating key organizational change components into the implementation of new processes. I hope you find some ideas to help your programs achieve greater success. Building Change the foundation for A program was started to deploy Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) processes. One of the first things to do: identify and name an Executive Steering Committee (ESC) to give guid- ance, and manage conflicts and priorities for the program. The ESC realized it needed to establish several things:  Its purpose -- what was its ‘charter’?   empower the program? Examples of the guiding principles included:  The “source of truth” for the SDLC processes would be software tool “Y”  A standard procedure used to escalate issues from the program for decision by the ESC  The processes needed to accommo- date a variety of development methodologies – from waterfall to agile The cadence of meetings, agendas and participants Guiding principles – what would be the ‘guard rails’ to enable the ESC to The ESC also knew that it needed to empower the program to progress while providing governance in the right areas. To do that, it established decision rights and accountabilities, such as:  The program could decide on how pro- cesses would be designed and implemented  The program could decide on how to configure its software tools  If any integration was required between 2 A Word from the International Chair —Shari Brunette 4 Why Good Governance Makes Good Sense for Growing Good Chapters -Bruce Harvey 6 12 13 14 15 The Integral Service Management Model Dolf J. H. van der Haven Journey of Seeking for Maturity in IT Jungle Tarig Khalil ITSMF International Chapter Directory itSMF Sweden Roadshow itSMF New Zealand update itSMF International Events 16 Professional Service Management Framework—FAQ 18 Professionalism & People—changing the culture of ITSM Barclay Rae 20 3 Pillars of Exceptional IT Pro Corry Banks 22 28 The Evolution of ITSM Doug Tedder Service Architecture Bhurana Sriharmohan The Rocky Road to ITSM Implementation and Beyond… Why can’t we just get along Lorie Lynn Wilson itSMF Denmark Update 29 UK ITSM Award Winners 30 BOOK REVIEW: Run, Grow, Transform: Integrating Business & Lean IT Caspar Miller NNIT Service Portfolio Flemming Kjaesdam 11 24 27 32 34 Integrating SFIA with other Frameworks Matthew Burrows itSMFI Forum Focus—December 2016   this program and other programs, it would be brought forward to the ESC for discussion and decision The program team was accountable to develop and implement the processes The functional leadership in the IT organization was accountable for the adoption of the processes deployed Getting clear on definitions, roles, and accountability Clarity for accountability of process implementation and adoption was very important to the success of the program. The program team, comprised of the process owners and managers, were accountable to develop good processes. The IS organization was accountable to adopt the processes. That meant that the program needed to define “adoption” and then describe “done”. These definitions allowed the ESC to direct and support the program. Too often, process Volume 2— December 2016 PUBLISHER itSMF International INTERNATIONAL CHAIR Shari Brunette itSMFI Secretary & Editor Bruce Harvey [email protected] CONTRIBUTORS : Bruce Harvey, Dolf J. H. van der Haven, Tarig Khalil, Corry Banks, Doug Tedder, Bhurana Sriharmohan, Lorie Lynn Wilson, Caspar Miller, Flemming Kjaesdam, Barclay Rae & Matthew Burrows ADVERTISING Bruce Harvey—[email protected] ADDRESS Suite 4, 45-51 Ringwood Street Ringwood Victoria Australia3134 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE