itSMF Bulletin itSMF Bulletin August 2018 | Page 20

is baked into the DNA of the organization and not something added on as an afterthought, we have a movement. We have a winning team.

Organizational change becomes a movement rather than a campaign.

The model

My model for successful transition through constant change is illustrated below.

The managers, coaches and players are a coalition with each traversing the other.

Constant change is ever increasing in speed. It is relentless.

There is common understanding because change is not being ‘done’ to anyone, it is being done ‘with’ them.

Just like a soccer manager, coach and players will plan the game play together; our change managers and coaches work with players to build change resilience.

They work together on the tactics that will be played out in order to win.

After every game there is a game review as to what went well, what didn't and what we will do different in the next game. As a collective, the managers, coaches and players work on continual improvement and ways in which to maintain and sustain resilience to constant change.



Managers engage with the players and vice versa. Managers sustain the coaches and the coaches provide continual feedback to the managers.

Managers have to understand the players and prepare them for constant change. Preparing the players is done through engagement.

Engagement is a series of activities including education, communication, facilitation and alleviation.


Managers sustain the ability of the coaches to be effective in their role.

Managers equip the coaches with the skills and capability to effectively support the players through continual change.

Coaches have to be able to effectively communicate, advocate and coach. They