itSMF Bulletin itSMF Bulletin August 2018 | Page 18


Change is now constant and complex. There is no time to take breath and wait for one change to be embedded before moving on to the next.

Change is no longer episodic.

There are numerous changes we need to make in order to transition people through constant and complex change.

These include adaptive leadership; employee autonomy; decentralised decision making; killing the hierarchy; creating tools that are agile and getting leaders to let go of control.

But I believe the first is to simplify the roles within organizational change management in order to build a workforce that is resilient to change.

It is time to stop talking about resistance to change and start talking about resilience to change.


It’s time to get lean! In a workshop I ran recently, I asked the participants to name some of the roles in organizational change management that they had come across.

In just a few minutes the list looked like this.

It is confusing. There is no consistency. Organizations are being creative and coming up with new names for old roles such as ‘journey planner’ and ‘way maker’!!

When we have too many roles and over


By Karen Ferris

We are now living in a world of change we can describe as VUCA – volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.