It's Your Life April/May 2015 | Page 15

April/May Dealing With Autism Naturally: Interview with Kathleen DiChiara Joyce Wheeler Thank you Kathleen for allowing me to share your story with our readers. I am sure there are a lot of families out there who would love to hear about how you were able to healp your son with autism naturally. As you know as of 2014 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 1 in every 68 children is effected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD.) These numbers have increased over the years and continue to. Many families are dealing with a child or children with ASD with doctors telling them there is nothing they can do. However, I have heard of a number of families whose children have either been cured or the symptoms greatly reduced through natural remedies. A search for such a family to interview led me to you and I am both thankful and honored that you are willing to share this intimate family situation with others. 2015 15