It's All Well+Good Magazine | A Quarterly about Life Issue №4 | Page 20




Yoga | Beyond Good Moves

Yoga means "yoking" or "union". The coming together of polarities, different aspects, different perspectives...

Most people know Yoga as a physical practice. Physical postures or asanas is but one limb of Yoga, which is an ancient and complete system of healing.

As a science, Yoga is medicine and has traditionally been used as such. Part of the knowledge that we have inherited includes the benefits of Raja-Dhi-Raja and the impact of certain foods on the mind, body, and spirit, the movement of prana and the breath.

Yoga is holistic and illuminates the intricate interrelatedness of all aspects of our being. Internal and external. The physical and non-physical. The breath and the mind.

Today, Yoga is suggested by many Western doctors as a way to lower stress and even as a complementary therapy to address specific concerns such as fertility challenges.

People are more comfortable accepting that Yoga is not a religion, and way beyond physical postures, no matter how mesmerizing and breathtaking they may be. And they are but that's not the whole story of Yoga.

Ananda Marga Yoga Society was the first Yoga School in Singapore, opening in 1972. It continues to offer traditional teachings, focusing on conscious living and a healthy lifestyle.

The Ananda Marga Yoga Academy offers a year-long Yoga Teacher Training program. This is enjoyed by yogis wanting to be teachers and the general public wanting to live a life of wellness. (The next intake is January 2014)

Throughout the year, the Academy also offers workshops such as Yoga + Natural Therapy Course scheduled for February 2014.

The goal of Yoga + Natural Therapy Course given by Dada Shankarsana'nanda is to share easy-to-implement, powerful, and practical information like the six aspects of Naturopathy, the importance of the Lymph, using Raja-Dhi-Raja Yoga as an effective form of therapy, and how to treat illnesses such as diabetes and digestive disorders.

Dada Shankarsana'nanda will be showing how this ancient healing system is relevant to today's society, and how a positive impact it can have on our well-being.

Yoga is not some mystical practice shrouded in secrecy. It was once passed down through lineages. We are lucky to live in an age where we can choose to receive these teachings. Access to a life of wellness is our birthright and inheritance.

Ananda Marga Yoga Academy

18 Waringin Park

Sin Chuan Garden

Singapore 416331