It's a Boy, Girl Thing! | Page 14

Now, they are still treated the same way as homosexuals and are not allowed to get married with the one they love as homosexuality is still forbidden in Thailand. Trans genders in Thailand really want the right to legally change from the male to the female gender, so their ID’s and official documents can reflect the way they feel on the inside. In Russia, famously known for its discrimination against trans genders, homosexuals and lesbians, on 29 December last year, the country included trans genders on the list of driver’s licence medical restrictions. This resolution prevents trans genders to obtain a driver’s licence. What kind of genders apart from a man or a woman exist? Nowadays, a diversity of people is expressed also in a diversity of genders. As a result, the list of gender terms is expanding in every society and culture. A popular example is Facebook´s recent recognition of 51 various genders from an agender to a two-spirit. A gender often comes into confusion with sex, whereby the first one is more personal sense of “who I am” ,referring to masculine and feminine qualities, or neither or both. Sex is a biological thing – configuration of chromosomes, internal anatomy, hormones and other biological features. In a very simple language, a gender usually refers to a man/woman, but a sex is more about a difference between a male and female. In order to have complete understanding of a human biological diversity, here we explain a few of the most important, spread all around the world. Transgender What does it mean to be a trans gender? A person usually lacks an internal sense of being a male or female, what is expressed in his behavior and gender`s expression such as clothes, hairstyle, walking manner or way of communication with people. A transgender moves between various orientations from heterosexual through homosexual, bisexual, asexual and others. Usually they realize this state after feeling internally incomplete or nonidentified with themselves, therefore are usually electing to have sexual reassignment surgeries. It is important to mention that being a transgender does not mean having a mental disorder. This is because their psychological situation does not disable them or cause extreme anxiety. Intersex Intersexed people are both fully males and females, which is very contradictory to physiology, therefore naturally impossible. It is not surprising that this condition exists only very rarely among population. They have an internal experience of identity, but a breaking point is when something unusual about their bodies is noticed, for example genital organs which seem to be inbetween male and female. Intersex used to be called also hermaphroditism from a Greek word Hermaphroditus, a mythological child of Hermes and Aphrodita, in modern times this name is used mostly for hermaphrodic plants or animals. Bigender When being a bigender, a person identifies with either masculine or feminine gender identities depending on the current situation. One has a strong feeling of belonging to both genders. “It’s so confusing. I have to guess which I’ll be the next morning to plan my day. I try to work out how I feel the night before. If I feel more feminine I’ll have a shower and set 14