It's a Boy, Girl Thing! | Page 13

airport and those officials could appear to be really misunderstanding about the situation. And without official recognition, educational institutions may also find it really difficult to respect a student’s gender, by not using proper name and pronoun, and even having school records and diploma’s displaying the correct information and continuing in work life too. In 2014, the Netherlands changed its policy regarding trans genders, in contemporary society; a transgender doesn’t have to undergo an operation to be recognized as by official authorities to change his or her gender. However, even though 63% of the Dutch agree that transgender should undergo an operation when they do not feel happy in their own body, nearly 50% thinks that people who want to undergo an operation should pay this from their own budget. (Kuyper, 2012) Man...woman...and? Gender identity is the reference to each person’s feelings on the inside, corresponding to the sex assigned by birth and also includes the personal sense of the body, which may appear to be different to the gender assigned by birth. We may refer to them as transgender, gender fluid, intersex etc. It is important to recognise each person’s identity on how they feel on the inside, whether it is on personal daily basis or at official documents such as passports and university degrees. Someone who is called Sarah on a passport, but appears to be a Bob in real life, may face some difficulties at official instances and the But overall, the Netherlands is pretty accepting towards transgender, lesbians and homosexuals. Furthermore, let’s move on to Thailand where to so-called lady boys are a common sight in the cities and the tourist areas. These trans genders work in the sex industry or the more traditional work environments like cabaret shows. Yet, most of them seek integration in Thai society, but despite their high visibility, they still face a lot of objections in seeking acceptance. And even though Thailand is known for its sexual tolerance, a transgender still faces discrimination on the workplace. The Thai authorities have taken some steps towards acceptance and recognizing them apart from the homosexual community. 13