ITALIAN: Workbooks The Basics Workbook, Part One | Page 11

Definite articles ( Plural ) Review the full lesson at : www . viaoptimae . com / 2014 / 05 / definite -­‐ articles -­‐ plural . html

Fill -­‐ in the spaces below as notes from the lesson :
All of the above correspond to _____ in English .
___________ zii ___________ donne ___________ intenzioni ( f .) ___________ occhi ___________ paesi ( m .) ___________ momenti ___________ spazi ___________ strade ___________ parole ___________ padri ( m .) ___________ lavori ___________ stati ___________ anni ___________ case
Fill -­‐ in the blanks with the appropriate plural form of the singular nouns listed below . ( Use a dictionary and write the English meaning for each term you don ’ t recognize )
Write one noun that takes each article :
le _______________ gli _______________
i _______________
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate definite article ( Gender follows regular rules unless ( m .) masculine or ( f .) feminine note is given next to the noun .)
le the things
___________ cose ___________ sguardi ___________ uomini ( irreg . plural of uomo ) ___________ volte ___________ albicocche ___________ parti ( f .) ___________ vite
1 . Gli _______________ studiano . 2 . I _______________ nel giardino sono rossi . 3 . Le _______________ Eolie sono belle . 4 . Le _______________ della casa sono chiuse . 5 . Gli _______________ sono allo zoo .
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