it starts with Him: a 30 day prayer guide to end human trafficking vol 1 | Page 20

“ Therefore , as God ’ s chosen people holy and dearly loved , clothe yourselves with compassion , kindness , humility , gentleness and patience .” — Colossians 3:12
My favorite part of this passage is the endearing way God ’ s people are referred to “ chosen … holy … dearly loved ”. As God ’ s children we are dearly loved and should be motivated towards compassion , kindness , humility , gentleness and patience as we seek to fight for the ones who cannot fight for themselves .
Every day we clothe ourselves as we get ready for the tasks ahead of us . Be intentional today about clothing yourself with compassion , kindness , humility , gentleness , and patience as you set out for your day . Remember those who cannot fight for themselves and ask God today what you can do to be part of that fight to end human trafficking .

Father —

You redeemed me and call me as Your very own child — amazing ! Give me the compassion for those who cannot fight for themselves , kindness in dealing with those around me , humility in allowing others first in my life , gentleness in seeking justice , and patience in allowing You to have the victory .
Submitted by Becky Tenaglia , Director of Sonshine School in Danville , IN , and proud mother of Abbi Tenaglia , Founder and Director of Transforming Hope Ministries .
DAY 10
“ Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God , but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God , being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised .” — Romans 4:20-21
Recently I experienced a big professional set-back . I felt that I was following God ’ s will to begin a new chapter . Instead that door was closed so abruptly , it left me questioning myself , my purpose , and God ’ s plan . I couldn ’ t have anticipated or controlled what happened that day , but I did have the ability to control my reaction .

God —

Amen .

My identity is not in what I do , but who I am . I am a child of God , who overcame death for my imperfections and sin . Time and time again , He has proved His faithfulness in and through my life . I may not see the promise quite yet , but I can be fully persuaded that God is for me . Ralph Abernathy said so poignantly , “ I don ’ t know what the future may hold , but I know who holds the future .”
Give us courage to stand firm in moments of doubt . Help us to know that You hold our future and that Your promise for our life is better than we could ask or imagine . Regardless of our past , our hurts , our mistakes — You make all things new for Your glory . Help us to trust You . Give us patience , discernment , and courage to follow Your will . Let us always find our identity and worth in You .

Amen .

Submitted by Karman Kent , a member of newhope church in Durham , NC . To learn more about newhope , visit www . newhopechurch . org .