Issue 2 Issue 2 | Page 19

We go by car and we go by train , We go by boat and we go by plane . We go by land , by sea and by air . We go , go , go from here to there . ( Далее видеосюжет )
So , what are we going to speak about ? ( Ответы детей )
Yes , the topic of our lesson is “ Travelling ”. We ’ ll try to answer the question “ Is it worth travelling ?” ( Слайд 2 )
During the lesson we ’ ll improve our oral fluency , practise using the new words , listening to the dialogues and making up your own ones as well as expressing our opinion .
To start with , I must say that today you ’ re going to appreciate your work at the lesson yourselves . Find the Evaluation card on your desks . Every time you do the task , write down your points . Is everything clear ?
2 . Работа с лексикой . 1 ) Фонетическая зарядка . Let ’ s practice to pronounce the new words ( написаны на доске ).
2 ) Активизация изученной лексики . I ’ d like you to remember some words on the topic . ( Слайд 3 ) Your task is to make up the words out of these letters and fill in the gaps . Who has guessed the first word ? …, you ’ re welcome . ( Дети выполняют по очереди , по желанию ). Good for you . Put the score : if you ’ ve taken part in this activity and do everything correctly , put “ 1 ”, if not or you ’ ve made a mistake , then “ 0 ”.
3 ) Новый материал : различие в употреблении слов . As you know , in English there are some words that mean « путешествие ». Which of them do you remember ? ( Ответы детей ). So , they are : travel , journey , trip and voyage ( написаны на доске ). Today we ’ ll try to learn how to differentiate them . Open your St ’ s books at page 232 and read the rule in the box . ( Читают правило вслух : Р1-Р4 ).
Look at the whiteboard . ( Слайд 4 ) Complete the sentences using the words : a travel , a journey , a voyage and a trip . On your desks you can find the cards with this task – take Card № 2 . Do the task yourselves . Then two students will do it on the whiteboard . You have 2 minutes to do this task ( Включаю музыку тихонько для фона : 2 минуты ). Correct your answers with the green pens and write down the number of the right sentences . Who has 10 points ? Hand me in your cards . Don ’ t forget to write your names . ( Собрать карточки с заданием ).
3 . Чтение с элементами словообразования ( Задание формата ГИА )
Perhaps travelling is the most enjoyable hobby for a great number of people . Read the text to get to know how people from Great Britain travelled in the previous century . Take card 3 . While reading fill in the gaps with the words lexically and grammatically suitable . You have 3 minutes to do this task . ( Слайд 5-6- « прожектор »). ( Включаю музыку ) ( У детей раздаточный материал : заполняют , проверяют друг у друга , сверяя с доской ). Your time is up . Exchange your cards and check them up . Use the green ink . Consult the correct answers on the board . Hand me in your works . Don ’ t forget to write your names . ( Собрать карточки с заданием ).
4 . Аудирование .
When people travel abroad they can get lost or have some difficulties with finding the way to the places they need . Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps with the words you hear . Take card 4 . ( Слайд 7 : карта из “ Enterprise 3 ”, с 20 ). ( Проверить ): …, will you read your answers ? ( St1 читает краткие ответы : № 1-go along ? Etc .) ( У детей раздаточный материал ). Now two students will read the dialogue and the third one will mark the route on the map starting from the library . ( Дать лазерную указку ). Well done ! Put the score ! Will you give me your cards ? ( Собрать карточки ).
5 . Устная речь .
1 ) Составление своих диалогов ( Ролевая игра ): “ Asking the way ”. Now imagine that you ’ re tourists in London . Using the map of London and these figures of Londoners and tourists , ask the way to the places of interest . ( Слайд 8 : карта Лондона ) Work in pairs . You have two minutes to prepare . To make up a dialogue , you may consult your student ’ s books , page 210 . Who wants to be the first ? While explaining , move the figures . By the way , the men are for boys , the women – for girls . Good for you . Thank you very much .
2 ) Монологическая речь . Контроль домашнего задания : рассказ о своём последнем путешествии .
Nowadays people travel a lot . No doubt , you have also been to different countries and places . Will you tell us about your last travel ? It was your home task . Well , … you ’ re welcome . ( Обратная связь : Do you think those travels were interesting ? Or : Oh , what an exciting travel !) 6 . Заключительный этап . Our lesson is going to the end . In conclusion , let ’ s answer the question of the lesson and say if it is worth travelling . Look at the scheme . I ’ d like each student to say a sentence about travelling . Don ’ t forget to use phrases expressing your opinion . What are they , by the way ? ( Написаны на доске ). Will you stand up and come up to the whiteboard . ( Слайд 9 : передвижение ). Ok . Take your seats and appreciate your work at the lesson . Use this scheme . Does anybody have 30 points ? Hand me in your evaluation cards .
Thank you very much indeed . You worked well and hard . ( Your marks are : …
( Your marks depend on the score : how many points you have acquired-earned . Will you count the correct answers ? Look at the screen and appreciate yourselves !) ( Раздать смайлики-оценки ))
Your home task is : write a postcard to your friend from the place where you travelled last . If you don ’ t remember the rules of writing a postcard , let ’ s revise them . By the way , on your desks , there are planners for you to remember . You may take them home .
Thank you again . I ’ d like to give these postcards to remember today ’ s lesson .
Good-bye !
2016 , № 2 / LINGVA PLUS 19