Ispectrum Magazine Ispectrum Magazine #06 | Page 10

thing much bigger. Until the ANS is balanced there will always be symptoms to treat. Here’s an important point; you can never treat enough symptoms to fix the cause! If someone’s sympathetic nervous system is chronically hyperactive they can become prone to certain ailments. A few of them are gastroesophageal reflux, colitis, insomnia, insulin dependent diabetes, high blood pressure, and in severe cases congestive heart failure, strokes, and certain psychiatric problems. If they were to get cancer it would most likely be of the tumor type of the breast, lung, or prostate, ovary, and pancreas. Their immune systems tend to be underactive. This person could also have musculoskeletal pain, particularly in the low back, but it could be at any joint. If the adrenal glands (stress glands) are exhausted due to sympathetic overload ligaments weaken affecting the integrity of joints. A simple functional test to demonstrate this is 9 to challenge any joint and test its integrity to oppose the challenge. That can be achieved by doing a light tug on the joint and immediately after testing its strength by having the person resist pressure. Normal physiology would dictate that when a joint is challenged by tugging on it, it would get stronger to resist the stress and prevent injury. When the ligaments are weakened due to adrenal exhaustion the opposite happens. The same result will happen with any joint. This is why more injuries occur when the individual is stressed.