Island Life Magazine Ltd October/ November 2012 | Page 90

Gardening with Tina The year is drifting to a close, and I doubt if many of us gardeners, or not, will be sorry to see the back of it. So many events have been washed out it is something of a miracle that the weather was so kind through the Olympics and Paralympics. The gods of Olympus were clearly saving all the sunshine for them. The T in a H ug he s trai ne d as a profession al ga rd en er afte r leav in g school a nd spent a su m m er w orki in Tu sca ny as a n E ng ng lis h Ga rd en er. Sh e ha s a N at io na l D ip lo m a in Horticu lt ure. reservoirs, rivers and aquifers Slugging it out that we depend upon are Although I am fervently hoping that the slug and snail now replenished after last rampage of this summer will be an exception rather than winter’s drought that brought the rule, I have been investigating using more mollusc hosepipe bans and the proof plants in future, and I’ve been looking at the cunning downpours in April. strategies used by plants to repel all borders. Pungent only saving grace is that the herbs, mint and rosemary and lavender deter these insatiable pests with their aromatic oils, whilst euphorbias use toxic sap. Ferns and other plants have fine hairs which clearly make them cough and ornamental grasses are just too high in fibre for their delicate digestions. Definitely food Do you have a qu estion? for thought. If you have a question, need some advice or even a suggestion for an article then please email: [email protected] Reuse and recycl e Do your bit fo r the environm ent by reusing plan t labels, scrub of f the writing wit h wire wool an d wash out flow er pots and seed trays ready for the spring. 90