Island Life Magazine Ltd October/ November 2012 | Page 101

EQUESTRIAN H ea rt a u sc ulta tio n incompetence. 2) Disease of the muscular wall of the heart called myocardial disease 3) Abnormal narrowing of a heart valve a few seconds of auscultation, localised to a to have more information about the cause limited area. and severity of the murmur. Grade 3 An obvious murmur that is audible An electrocardiogram (ECG) measures the immediately, but only radiates over a limited electrical activity of the heart. Small sticky called stenosis of a valve. area. pads containing electrodes are placed on the How bad is it? Grade 4 A loud murmur that is audible over horses’ chest and neck. These are connected Once a murmur has been detected a wide area. to an ECG machine, which picks up the consideration should be taken into what part Grade 5 The loudest possible murmur that is electrical signals the heart makes. This can of the cardiac cycle it occurs during, how heard with a stethoscope but cannot be heard be particularly useful where the heart has an long it lasts and where on the chest wall it when the stethoscope is removed from direct abnormal rhythm. These can be run for short is loudest. This can help identify the cause contact with the chest wall. A palpable thrill is periods of time or in a hospital situation left of the murmur. In general short musical felt on the chest wall overlying the murmur. in place on the horse to provide a 24 hour murmurs that are only heard in a small area Grade 6 The loudest possible murmur that recording. tend to be of little significance whereas is still heard when the stethoscope is just longer, harsher sounds that radiate widely are removed from direct contact with the chest waves to build a picture of the heart and more likely to be significant and associated wall. A palpable thrill is felt on the chest wall. using it to assess the structure and how well with cardiac problems. Murmurs are graded It can be difficult to be 100% certain if An echocardiogram involves using sound it is functioning. This is similar to pregnancy between 1 and 6: a murmur is a cause for concern just by scans. The echocardiogram can give accurate Grade 1 The softest audible murmur, only listening. Therefore further techniques such information about the pumping action of the heard on careful auscultation (listening with a as an electrocardiogram or echocardiogram heart, the speed at which the blood is flowing stethoscope) and localised to a limited area are often utilised. This can be particularly through the heart, what direction the blood is of the chest. useful if a murmur is picked up at flowing and the structure of the heart and the Grade 2 A faint murmur that is heard after pre-purchase exam and the purchaser needs valves. 101